Wednesday, December 23, 2009

one more sleep

my family celebrates on christmas eve. i have never complained about this. i never did understand what the big deal was about waking up and opening up presents and being mystified by some guy that came through our window (we didn't have a chimney) to give us our gifts? it's cultural tradition for us us to open gifts apres midnight (when we got home from chrismas mass) eat, and be merry. christmas day was spent lounging around or going to a movie, not hustling about to stress over more family/friend present giving/receiving drama.
i am really looking forward to tomorrow. my family comes, we hang, watch a dvd, eat and open presents. we don't go to mass anymore, it seems so pointless to only go two times of the year, when jesus was born and then when he died???? i'm even looking more forward to tomorrow because i actually feel ready. the past two christmas' have been so unprepared after having Westyn. the hoildays always warm me.
now that i have the presents bought, i just have to wrap them. as for my presents? i've bought those too. i can't seem to get moriah carey's "all i want for christmas" out of my head .... so i'll put it in yours.

merry christmas!

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