Wednesday, January 27, 2010

choice story

i feel like i'm going crazy these days. i gave myself a deadline of what it is that i would be doing when i grow up. W will be in school in 2 years, so i have been putting more thought to how i am going to be exiting my privileged life. i'm one month close to having my student loans paid off - YAY! i work part part time which allows me to have free time to take care of W and figure out what it is that i want to be doing. ok, so let's be honest, the cool factor of what it is that i want to be doing has struck a cord with my decision. aside from me having an interest in going to college for business, i want to do photography, make bags and scarves, learn typography, learn the basics of video making and design tee shirts. i want it all. i want it all with a big fat pay cheque. i have never been on cheap street, i like and enjoy having money. hence the reason why i am also looking for an evening job. the friday job is alright, fulfilling actually, but i have this tendency to shop, a dire need to travel and dine. so here it is, everything that i want to be doing, what i want on my plate and the quest begins on friday. i love that these choices are open enough for me that i can give myself the option.
maybe i roll everything into one????

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